
An Open Letter To The Worst Senator In The Nation

Dear Senator James Inhofe,

On the way from your air conditioned car to your air conditioned office, you may have noticed the unusually hot weather.  It’s almost as if the country is ‘warming’! Your home state of Oklahoma is over 100 degrees today, joining the less likely cites of St. Louis, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and even New York as places suffering triple digit heat. Tomorrow, it is going to be 106 degrees here in Washington, marking the 10th day of temperatures exceeding 95. This leads me to conclude, Senator, it is TOO DAMN HOT! I am holding you personally responsible.

You stand in the way of every attempt to address global climate change and, to be perfectly honest, I can’t decide if it’s because you are an obstinate old bat who likes being the dick in the room or if you are just plain, old fashioned corrupt. At what point do your loyalties to the coal, oil, and mining lobbies who pay your way into congress take a back seat to the fact that you are sick and tired of sweating? Since the unusually severe storm last week didn’t knock out the power in the Senate, I was wondering if you would be willing to open the chamber doors for the hundreds of thousands without air conditioning. Senator, it is TOO DAMN HOT!

Millions of people are suffering the effects of climate change. California doesn’t have water, Colorado is on fire, farmers in the Midwest are losing their crops and their livelihoods. It is TOO DAMN HOT! We understand expecting you to take action would be asking too much. Please, just get the hell out of the way so someone with some actual intelligence and qualification can do something about this.  It’s just TOO DAMN HOT.



Hot and Sweaty

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